Tuesday 11 October 2011

October Sunshine

Sunny October apples, very sweet.
They are all at the very top of the trees, the deer
have eaten all of the low hanging apples.

The asters are absolutely crawling with bumble bees.

All of the milkweed pods are opening.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Bountiful Beets

We pickled every single beet left in our garden today-
20 jars!  Want some?

Sunday 11 September 2011

Couldn't Resist Making Another Batch...

We decided there were so many crabapples still in our
favourite tree that we had to pick them and make another
batch of jelly & applesauce, and also this time,
apple juice!

I was delighted by this tiny little snail on
one of the crabapples...


                                           Then we decided that we should start harvesting the big
                                                 apples as they are beginning to fall from the trees.


Vultures on the Notty

Salmon fishing yesterday with our good friends
on the Notty in Tracey's fishing boat.  Came
across at least a dozen turkey vultures circling and
diving from their perches in the tall cedars,
there was a dead salmon on the east bank of the river.

Friday 9 September 2011

Berries and Butterflies

Two different types of dogwood berries:

                                                         Nasty nightshade...


                                                The monarchs can't get enough of
                                                      the Sweet Joe Pye Weed!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Carpenter Bees

These carpenter bees live in a big old cedar tree
at the south end of our farm.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Monday 1 August 2011

Garlic is In

Tracey harvested all of the garlic over the weekend.
We roasted some whole cloves with olive oil to spread on fresh baked bread.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Country Garden Update

First full sunflower of this summer.

Today I harvested the spinach plants and
lay them out to dry the seeds for next year.

Spots on my apples :)

New pinecones

Pumpkin blossoms

and pumpkins...

Beans are ready, tomatoes are flowering
and the carrots are a good size.

The garlic is ready to harvest, we
won't get to it though for a few days!

Raw zucchini slices are a favourite snack.

Sugar snap peas


I planted more spinach seeds.

It's all worth the effort-

Toad on My Deck

This is a frequent occurance and I always wonder at it:
why do toads hop up onto a hot dry deck?

Sunday 10 July 2011

Saturday 25 June 2011

Blueberry Pie

Does a heaping large plate of spinach salad compensate
for also having two large pieces of homemade blueberry pie??
I think so.

Friday 24 June 2011

Lost Baby Turtle

This baby painted turtle lost its way! Tracey was out hitting golf balls and spotted it.

We carried it over to the pond, as soon as it got into the water,
it was gone in a flash!

Garlic and Roses

                                                     Yes, the garlic scapes are ready!

Rosy petals...