Saturday 25 June 2011

Blueberry Pie

Does a heaping large plate of spinach salad compensate
for also having two large pieces of homemade blueberry pie??
I think so.

Friday 24 June 2011

Lost Baby Turtle

This baby painted turtle lost its way! Tracey was out hitting golf balls and spotted it.

We carried it over to the pond, as soon as it got into the water,
it was gone in a flash!

Garlic and Roses

                                                     Yes, the garlic scapes are ready!

Rosy petals...

Innisfil Red Tail

This was strange as it was perched on top of a birdhouse!

Sunday 19 June 2011

Weekend Country Bliss

 Tracey took this shot of a whitetail doe just beyond our backyard on Saturday morning. He said:"I love living in the country." She is looking straight at him!

Sora family update....
there appears to be one egg left to hatch as of today.

Mama coming back to the nest

One chick approaches the nest, there are about 5 of them darting about.

Snuggle time!

More flag iris...

The Notty has her summer face on.

Mayapple (or Mandrake as it's also known).

There are large swaths of Mayapple everywhere.

Humble Red Clover and Birdsfoot Trefoil

Ox eye daisies nodding to the Buttercups

I saw dozens of these tiny darting bright blue dragonflies.

Sunny Butter n' Eggs- love the name of these cheerful flowers.

Friday 17 June 2011

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Around the Garden and Down the Path

Our veggies have all been started from seed outdoors. With the weird weather we've been having, progress in some areas is slow- but the garlic is business as usual!
                                                    Leafy spinach

                                                          Baby beets- thinned out on the weekend

                                                    Zucchini- sunflowers in the background

                                                           Beans of course!


                                           Pumpkins- something's been munching on the leaves

                                         Glorious Garlic! Can't wait for the scapes to be ready.

                                  An explosion of lilacs this year. I love them, they smell so good.

                              Down the path, the first opened flag iris that I have seen this spring, surrounded
                                       by tons of purple buds.

                                               Old cedar post and red osier dogwood, so rural!

                                          The whitetail deer find our network of paths very convenient,
                                           I feel like I just missed seeing this one...